What are your stress signals?
Besides indicators of possible illness, the following have been found to be physical, emotional, behavioural and mental indicators of stress. We all experience (di-)stress in our own way. Do you suffer from any of these symptoms?
Muscle tension
Sleep disturbances
Rapid pulse
Indigestion / stomach-ache
Increased sweating
Flushing – hot face
Dizziness / faintness
Breathlessness / chest pain
Appetite changes – compulsive eating or loss of appetite
Impatience, carelessness, hyperactivity
Poor productivity / low energy / low motivation
Increased alcohol, cigarette, substance use
Absenteeism / Presenteeism in the team
Aggression or irritability
Moodiness, tearfulness
Anxiety, overwhelming feelings of anxiety
Loss of sense of humour
Withdrawal / feeling of isolation
Feelings of panic
Inability to make decisions or muddled thinking
Rushed decisions
Reduced coordination
Reduced creativity
Becoming more vague or forgetful
Negative globalization: everything seems bad/going wrong
Fear of rejection, defensiveness
Poor concentration
Negative self-talk
Fear of failure
Inability to concentrate
Feelings of unfairness
Overwhelming sense of loss of control
Speak to us about stress management and coping strategies.